Após o panfleto do Departamento de Investigação e Fatwa do Estado Islâmico especificando como tratar as mulheres e os escravos capturados durante os combates, enquanto mansidão e respeito, com base nos belos valores do Alcorão, aqui a Carta de punição, de acordo Sharia justificada pelos versos do Corão.

    Que os grandes estudiosos de teologia islâmica, são nossas cabeças oeste do estado de provar que o Código Penal é contrário ao Islã e sua lei, sharia.

    Em 15 de dezembro, o Estado Islâmico divulgou seu código penal sobre a " Jihad Media Platform Forum ".

    Este documento, intitulado "Esclarecimento do Hudud (punição islâmica) detalha a lista de crimes e sua punição de acordo com a Sharia.

    O Estado Islâmico disse a publicação deste documento como uma advertência e um lembrete para as pessoas que vivem na sua legislação. Ele também reafirmou o seu compromisso de aplicá-la com a maior vigilância. (Não há necessidade de temer quanto à sua conformidade com este compromisso)

    O documento refere-se a vários versículos do Alcorão e salienta a necessidade de os muçulmanos a aderir a lei Sharia, advertindo que qualquer um que se recuse a cumprir será considerado um incrédulo.

    • Blasfêmia contra Deus, a morte (Alcorão 5: 33-34)
    • Blasfêmia contra o profeta Maomé: a morte, mesmo que os acusados ​​se arrepende (Alcorão 33: 57)
    • Blasfêmia contra o Islã: a morte (Alcorão 9:12)
    • Adultério apedrejamento até a morte, se o adultério era casado (e) e 100 chibatadas e exílio se ela ou ele era solteiro (Bukhari 8.82.816)
    • A sodomia (homossexualidade): morte para ambos os parceiros (Alcorão 4: 15-16) (Abu Dawood Sunna 38: 4447)
    • Flight: amputação da mão (Alcorão 05:38)
    • Beber álcool: 80 chicotadas (Alcorão 5: 90) - (Bukhari 8.81.768)
    • Difamação: 80 chicotadas (Alcorão 24: 4)
    • Espionar para os incrédulos: morte (Corão 3.28)
    • Apostasia: morte (Alcorão 4:89)
    • Banditismo (Alcorão 5: 33):
      • Assassinato e roubo: a morte e crucificação
      • Assassinato Single: morte
      • Flight: amputação da perna esquerda e direita
      • Aterrorizar as pessoas: o exílio

    Resumo Código Penal, mas oh tão eficaz pelo terror que ele inspira.

    E dizem que dezenas de milhares de sonhadores (muçulmanos) para aderir a este adorável estado ocidental, exaltando as tão belos valores islâmicos de origens.

    Para um futuro de "justiça, a fraternidade, a tolerância, a paz", nada bate um mundo novo, regido pela sharia tão doce.

    O Estado islâmico: um modelo a este respeito.

    Reprodução autorizada com o seguinte: © Rosaly para Dreuz.info 








    Nach der Broschüre der Abteilung für Forschung und Fatwa des Islamischen Staates bestimmen, wie mit Frauen und Sklaven während der Kämpfe gefangen zu behandeln, während Sanftheit und Respekt, basierend auf den schönen Koranwerte, hier der Charta der Strafe nach Scharia gerechtfertigt durch die Verse des Koran.

    Dass die großen Gelehrten der islamischen Theologie, sind unsere westlichen Staats- beweisen, dass das Strafgesetzbuch sei gegen den Islam und sein Gesetz, die Scharia.

    Am 15. Dezember, seinem Strafgesetzbuch veröffentlicht die islamischen Staat auf der " Jihad Media Platform Forum ".

    Dieses Dokument mit dem Titel "Die Klärung der Hudud (Islamische Strafe) Details der Liste der Verbrechen und die Strafe nach der Scharia.

    Der islamische Staat, sagte der Veröffentlichung dieses Dokuments als eine Warnung und eine Erinnerung an die Menschen, die nach seinem Recht. Er bekräftigte ferner seine Zusage, es mit größter Wachsamkeit durchzusetzen. (Keine Notwendigkeit, um die Einhaltung dieser Verpflichtung fürchten)

    Das Dokument bezieht sich auf verschiedene Koranverse und betont die Notwendigkeit für Muslime die Scharia einzuhalten, Warnung, dass jeder, der sich weigert zu erfüllen gilt als ein Ungläubiger ist.

    • Blasphemie gegen Gott den Tod (Quran 5: 33-34)
    • Blasphemie gegen den Propheten Mohammed: Tod, auch wenn der Angeklagte bereut (Qur'an 33: 57)
    • Blasphemie gegen den Islam: Tod (Quran 09.12)
    • Ehebruch zu Tode gesteinigt, wenn Ehebruch verheiratet war (e) und 100 Peitschenhieben und Verbannung, wenn sie oder er Single war (Bukhari 8.82.816)
    • Sodomie (Homosexualität): Tod für beide Partner (Koran 4: 15-16) (Abu Dawud Sunna 38: 4447)
    • Flug: Amputation der Hand (Quran 05.38)
    • Das Trinken von Alkohol: 80 Peitschenhiebe (Quran 5: 90) - (Bukhari 8.81.768)
    • Verleumdung: 80 Peitschenhiebe (Quran 24: 4)
    • Spionage für die Ungläubigen: Tod (Koran 3,28)
    • Abfall: Tod (Quran 4:89)
    • Banditentum (Quran 5: 33):
      • Mord und Diebstahl: der Tod und die Kreuzigung
      • Einzelmord: Tod
      • Flug: Amputation des linken und rechten Bein
      • Terrorisieren Menschen: Exil

    Zusammenfassung Strafgesetzbuch, aber ach so effektiv durch Terror sie inspiriert.

    Und sagen, dass Zehntausende von Träumer (Muslime), um diese schöne westliche Staat anzuschließen, pries die so schön islamische Werte Herkunft.

    Für eine Zukunft von "Gerechtigkeit, Brüderlichkeit, Toleranz, Frieden," nichts geht über eine neue Welt, von der Scharia so süß geregelt.

    Der islamische Staat: ein Modell in dieser Hinsicht.

    Nachdruck mit folgendem berechtigt: © Rosaly für Dreuz.info 





    Forum religion islam

    adoration de la bete de l'apocalypse 

    Die ursprüngliche Übersetzung des griechischen Wortes "Anbetung" kommt von dem Begriff "proskuneo"; Im Nahen und Mittleren Osten und in der Schrift des Neuen Testaments griechische Wort, das durch den Boden berühren mit der Stirn als Symbol der Vorlage reverance an eine Behörde zu knien;

    proskuneo:   Ehrfurcht zu tun
    Wortart: Verb
    Transliteration: proskuneo
    Lautschrift: (Vor-koo-neh'-o)
    Kurze Definition: Ich verehre
    Definition:   Ich gehe auf die Knie zu, huldigen zu, Anbetung.  


    Beachten Sie, dass auch Kinder werden dem Tier Bogen (Offenbarung. 13:16)   

    Offenbarung 13:16 Und es macht, daß die Kleinen und Großen, die Reichen und Armen, die Freien und Sklaven, sich ein Zeichen machen an ihre rechte Hand oder an ihre Stirn zu empfangen,  


    Analyse des Wortes "Marke" kommt aus dem griechischen Wort "charagma"; nach den starken Worten, die charagma serviert, eine Münze, ein Siegel, eine Gravur zu identifizieren. (5480 / xáragma ("Markenzeichen") wurde ursprünglich Jede beeindrucken gold Ecke war ein Siegel von einem Graveur wir sterben (Stempel, Eisen) Branding verwendet. 5480 (xáragma) später est devenu "die Identifikation-Marker" (wie mit Single "Markenzeichen" ein Eigentümer).


      Die Marke ist visuell erkennbare Tatsache, es ist ein Symbol der Treue zu dem Tier (als Beispiel, erinnere mich an die Nazi-Armbinde)

    charagma einen Stempel, beeindrucken
    Wortart: Nomen, neutrum
    Transliteration: charagma
    Lautschrift: (khar'-ag-mah)
    Kurze Definition: Skulptur, ein Stempel, Unterschrift
    Definition: Plastik; Gravur, ein Stempel, Unterschrift.


    Analyse des Wortes "rechte Hand" kommt von dem griechischen Wort "dexios"; so starke Worte, dexios bedeutet nicht unbedingt, die rechte Hand, aber die rechte Seite des Körpers, wobei der rechte "Symbol der Macht"; wir wissen, dass die Marke ist ein sichtbares Symbol der Treue, so muss sie auf einen sichtbaren Teil des Körpers, der Stirn oder der rechten Hand, zum Beispiel erscheinen (eine Markierung auf der Hand unbemerkt) Dieses Symbol soll den Gott lästern Abrhaam Isaak, Jakob, der einzige. Das Tier (die islamische Reich) tragen Lästerungen Namen (Offenbarung 13: 1); Schreiben auf den gleichen foulrds Dschihadisten auf dem liest: "Es gibt keine andere keinen Gott außer Allah" (Negation YHWH)

    dexios: die rechte Hand oder der rechten Seite
    Wortart: Adjektiv
    Transliteration: dexios
    Lautschrift: (Dex-ee-os ")
    Kurze Definition: auf der rechten Hand, rechte Hand, rechte Seite
    Definition: auf der rechten Hand, rechte Hand, richtig.









    The Number of the Beast 666 ist keine Zahl, sondern ein Symbol

    Wir werden sehen, warum es nicht eine Digitalzahl, sondern eine Vielzahl der Vielzahl von Dienern, die sich zu dem Tier zu verleihen. Beginnen Sie mit Lebenslauf griechischen Ursprung des Wortes "Nummer" ist es "arithmos", die bestimmte oder unbestimmte Menge bedeutet.

     Offenbarung 13.18 - Hier ist Weisheit. Lassen Wer Verstand hat, zählen Sie die Zahl des Tieres. Denn es ist des Menschen Zahl, und seine Zahl ist sechshundert und sechs.

    Wir wissen aus Daniel 7, ist das letzte Tier ein Imperium, das die ganze Erde verzehren wird, und zertreten wird; als auch die Verschmelzung von 4 Daniel Tiere ist nichts anderes als das Tier hat sieben Köpfe und zehn Hörner von Jean [lesen früheren Studie] erwähnt; genau das gefunden, insgesamt 7 Köpfe, 10 Hörner, Körper Leopard, Löwenmaul, Bären Füßen. Das erste Tier aus dem Meer ist ein Reich vereint 10 Nationen (10 Hörner), ist dies nicht der Antichrist; der Mann des Verderbens ist das kleine Horn, die aus den 10 Hörnern.

    Achten Sie auf den Begriff "es ist eines Menschen Zahl"; wir wissen, dass der griechische Ausdruck "arithmos" auch "eine beliebige Anzahl", es kohärenter zu sagen, ein "Mann vieler"; der Ausdruck "Nummer [arithmetische] Mensch [666] würde Sinn machen, wenn wir die Gematria als Wissenschaft betrachten!

    Daniel 07.23 - Er sprach also: Das vierte Tier wird das vierte Reich auf Erden, der sich von allen Königreichen sein und wird die ganze Erde verschlingen und sie zertreten und zermalmen. 24 Und die zehn Hörner sind zehn Könige, die aus diesem Königreich hervorgehen werden. Ein anderer wird nach ihnen steigt, wird mächtiger sein denn der vorigen und wird drei Könige demütigen.

     Offenbarung 13.17 - und dass niemand kaufen oder verkaufen, wenn er die Marke, den Namen des Tieres oder die Zahl seines Namens könnte.

     Offenbarung 15: 2 - Und ich sah wie ein gläsernes Meer, mit Feuer gemengt, und diejenigen, die das Tier und sein Bild, und die Zahl seines Namens erobert hatten, stehen auf dem gläsernen Meer und hatten Harfen Gottes.

     Offenbarung 14: 1 Und ich sah, und siehe, das Lamm stand auf dem Berg Zion und mit ihm ein hundert und viertausend, die seinen Namen und den Namen seines Vaters auf ihrer Stirn geschrieben.

    Die Vorstudie zu dem Satz "es ist eines Menschen Zahl" unterstützt die Hypothese, dass die "Zahl seines Namens" bedeutet "Vielzahl von Dienern, die den Namen trägt ..."; der Begriff "Sohn" ist ein Artikel zur Bestimmung des Begriffs gehört.

    Fazit: es ist keine Zahl bei 666, sondern ein Symbol, ein Code (nicht griechisch), die eine Vielzahl von Menschen; das ist, was Daniel 7 bestätigt das letzte Tier ist ein Reich, ein Mann Vielzahl verspreche Ergebenheit zur Antichrist

    Islam ist es das Tier der Apokalypse wurde verletzt, das Zeichen des Antichrist 666 Allah der Mondgott

    Islam est la Bete de l'apocalypse, la marque de l'antichrist 666  


    Allah dieu lune 



    oder "Armageddon"

     Offenbarung 13.18 ist Weisheit. Lassen Wer Verstand hat, zählen Sie die Zahl des Tieres. Denn es ist des Menschen Zahl, und seine Zahl ist sechshundert und sechs.

    Kein hebräisches Manuskript von Jean konnte nicht gefunden werden. Der Codex Vaticanus hat diese Schriften aus seiner griechischen Transkription eingeführt. Diese "Zahl" liest "Ki ZI Zigma" dh 600 + 60 + 6. Das griechische Symbol "ZI" hat eine seltsame bar (nicht-griechischen) und das Symbol "Zigma" wird von einem Zeitraum verlängert (nicht-griechischer Herkunft); Es scheint, konsistenter als es ein Symbol, keine griechische Nummer (siehe die Darstellung der Zahl 666 im Codex Vaticanus Textlink hier> http://ow.ly/GwCSu) Beachten Sie auch, dass die "Nummer" 666 unter d andere unabhängige Codex Codex Vaticanus liest auch 616, 614 oder 646. Alles deutet darauf hin, dass dies nicht eine Zahl, sondern ein Symbol, ein Symbol der Treue zu dem Tier. Das ist, warum dieser Code nie entschlüsselt werden. Die 4 Videos über erklären, warum die Verdolmetschung und Übersetzung aus dem Griechischen, der irrt. Stellen Sie sich vor, dass die Zahl [der Treue] Symbol des Tieres ist klar erkennbar und interpretierbar in einer anderen Sprache ... das Geheimnis würde Heben und Prophezeiungen über das Endergebnis der Zeit keinen Platz haben der ... Gott in seiner Weisheit wusste, dass das komplexe Symbolfehler Übersetzungen und Kopien durch die Zeit führen.

    Matthäus 24: 15 Wenn ihr nun den Greuel der Verwüstung, von dem durch den Propheten Daniel geredet zu sehen, stehen an der heiligen Stätte - wer es liest, passen Sie auf!

    Daniel 12: 9 Und er sprach: Gehe hin, Daniel; denn die Worte sind verborgen und bis zum Ende der Zeit verschlossen.

    Daniel 12: 4 Und du, Daniel, verbirg diese Worte und versiegle das Buch bis zur Zeit des Endes: Viele werden hin und her laufen, und die Erkenntnis wird sich erhöhen ..

    John schrieb seine apokalyptische Vision auf der Insel Patmos ein Jahrhundert vor dem Römischen Reich war unter griechischer Kontrolle. Die Übersetzer der Zeit haben gefolgert, dass das Symbol für das Tier, das Johannes sah und war griechischer Herkunft wahrscheinlich vertreten. Es scheint, dass das ursprüngliche Symbol nicht Griechisch. Tatsächlich sind die Symbole der verschiedenen Codex Vaticanus zeigen einige Ähnlichkeiten mit arabischen Symbolen. Das erste Symbol steht für zwei gekreuzten Schwertern Emblem Saudi-Arabien (Link hier Emblem Flaggensymbol und Saudi-Arabien - Wikipedia http://ow.ly/GwDl4 ) und des Islamischen Jihad. Das zweite Symbol bedeutet "Allah", schließlich das letzte Mittel "Bismi" (der Name). Diese drei Symbole auf Arabisch von rechts nach links zu lesen, lesen [Jihad] [Bismi] [Allah] oder [Krieg im Namen Allahs];

    Vor dem Hintergrund der bisherigen Studien zu dem Tier [lesen Sie Kapitel 1] sowie mehrere Übersetzungen einschließlich Fehlinterpretationen von den alten Griechen, die letzten Verse des Buches Apocalypse 13 könnte dies bedeuten:

     Offenbarung 13.18 Und das Tier [dem islamischen Reiches] macht, daß die Kleinen und Großen, Reichen und Armen, die Freien und Sklaven, sich ein Zeichen [physischen] an ihre rechte Hand oder an ihre Stirn, und dass niemand kaufen oder zu verkaufen [Zusammenbruch des globalen Finanzsystems durch Islamic Finance] nicht das Zeichen hat [auf Griechisch "chargama" sichtbares Zeichen der Knechtschaft (zB NS-Armbinde)], der Name des Tieres [islamischen Deklination] oder die Anzahl seinen Namen. [Nicht gehören zu der Vielzahl Zahlung Treue zu ihm] es ist eines Menschen Zahl [Reichtum eines Mannes], und seine Zahl [die Diener, die sich zu dem Tier verpflichten] ist 660-6 [Unterstützung Armageddon der Name des Satans].

    Für Informationen, ist der Islamische Jihad keine einfache politische Rache, es ist ausdrücklich im Koran, um die Sache des Islam in der Welt voran geschrieben; jeder Muslim, die einen Platz im Paradies Allahs auf die Verpflichtung, den heiligen Krieg zu sichern, besonders dann, wenn die Stunde der letzte Schlacht (Lesen Sure 4:74, 8.17, 9: 29-39 ,. ..); die Interpretation der Zeichen der Treue zu dem Tier [bismi allah] alles geschieht unter Berücksichtigung wahrscheinlich ist, dass das Tier der Apokalypse ist das Wiederaufleben einer neuen Kalifats vereint die muslimische Welt unter dem Banner verlinkten schwarz Jihad [siehe Kapitel 1]. Beachten Sie auch, dass das Wort Harmagedon kommt vom hebräischen Har Méguidon, es ist ein Tal in Israel, Tal bestehenden oder treffen Nationen, Israel zu zerstören; heute, was Nationen und der Religion zu widmen, wie Hass gegen Israel?

    Die Militanten der Hamas, Hisbollah, Fatah und alle ihre Unterstützer in der Welt tragen auf ihrer Stirn Banner, auf dem Namen der Lästerung geschrieben: Foto 1 , Foto 2 , Foto 3 , Foto 4 , Bild 5 , Bild 6

    Islam ist eine Religion und destruktive Antichrist:


    Erläuterung der Marke 666 im Video:

    Bismi Allah ou Basmalah, marque antichrist du nombre 666

    Und andere Informationen, die Ankunft eines falschen Propheten im Zusammenhang mit dem Namen Mohammed

    Bismi Allah ou Basmalah, marque antichrist du nombre 666

     Sie sehen Seite - >> die Prophezeiungen der Bibel .COM  



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    Noël est une fête païenne et tout savoir sur son origine.


     Noël est une fête païenne et tout savoir sur son origine.

     For billions of people around the world, the Christmas season is the time of year the most eagerly awaited. Of course, for many, Christmas is a depressing period, which accentuates their loneliness and family isolation. The Christmas season is the time when there is the greatest number of parties and receptions. But it is also the one that has the highest number of suicides.. 

    Christmas is a pagan holiday

    Millions more people are simply disgusted or offended by unreasonable commercialism associated with Christmas. Christmas has now become a commercial activity especially in the US - and Canada. For most retailers, Christmas sales are a very important part of their annual profit margins. Therefore, from the beginning of November, the traditional Christmas melodies resound in shopping centers in North America. Traders try to put people "in the mood" so that they start early to shop.

    Denouncing the commercial exploitation of this season - and deeply concerned about attempts undertaken to remove any reference to Adonai YHWH Elohim "God" and TANAKH "Bible" - many religious people, well meaning, require that the Messiah "Christ" is "rehabilitated" behind Christmas. They argue that secular hijacked a Christian holiday, sacred to individualistic purposes.

    Western society is increasingly described as "post-Christian", where the secular elites have become "the new pagans." In such an environment, Christians should they gang up to, in some way, take Christmas? In a society increasingly cut off from Adonai YHWH Elohim "God", can we bridge this gap by encouraging YAHUSHUA HA'MASHIAH references to "Jesus Christ" during the Christmas holidays?

    Adonai YHWH Elohim What attitude "God" -He wants His people to adopt vis-à-vis Christmas? YAHUSHUA HA'MASHIAH "Jesus Christ" is it really "the reason for these holidays"? You may be surprised to learn that Christmas has in fact no Christian or Messianic origin! Many centuries before the birth of YAHUSHUA HA'MASHIAH "Jesus Christ" in Bethlehem, people already decorated evergreen trees, exchanged gifts, and participating in festivals and well-watered receptions, 25 December .

    Christmas How did he become the main party "Christian"? Is this party - and can it be - truly Christian? Search in the New Testament, from the first to the last page, you will not find any mention of Christmas. Similarly, you will never read a religious service was held to commemorate the birth of Jesus.

    If the early Christians did not celebrate Christmas, what was the reason? When and how this festival has she acquired such importance in the calendar of the churches that call themselves Christian?

    People think all that Christmas is the most beautiful Christian holiday. Without asking any questions, they assume that it is necessary to celebrate. Today, they continue to assume that Jesus was born on December 25, and that the Bible emphasizes that date that Christians observe.

    THIS IS A DECEPTION! There are some facts that we need to be aware. Stop acting in ignorance, we who are supposed to represent his word to nation.

    The word "Christmas" comes from the Latin "natalis" which means "birth day". This word seems to us to designate a Catholic Mass celebrating the birth of Christ. But where do Catholics take it? ... From the pagan celebration of December 25th, the birthday of 'Sol', the sun god! The observation of this date was an ancient rite of Baalism - that the Bible condemns completely it is not mentioned in the New Testament, and neither the Apostle Paul nor the true church of the early days did. observed! This is one of the fables which Paul speaks in 2 Timothy 4: 4. He said that this custom deceive men of the world, wandering and making them follow a low Gospel without power!

    CHRISTMAS IS NOT AT ALL THE ANNIVERSARY OF CHRIST. This festival is not Christian or Messianic and Gentile but because it comes from Babylon. Some say, "So this is the intent of this time that counts?"

    Let's go a little further ...

    YAHUSHUA "JESUS" was not born on December 25, he was not born in the winter either. Why? Because there were shepherds in the fields keeping watch over their flocks by night (LUKE 2: 8). As of October 15, Israel, the shepherds brought back their herds mountains and fields and locked them to protect them from the cold and rain that prevailed after that date (see SONG OF SOLOMON 2:11 and Ezra 10: 9 , 13). Winter in Israel is a rainy season and the shepherds remained indoors during this period. It was customary for the Jews of the time to get their sheep in the fields and the desert around the Passover (early spring), and have them go back to the beginning of the first rains. The shepherds watching over their flocks day and night. Any encyclopedia will explain that HA'MASHIAH "Christ" was not born on December 25th; the date of his birth is not known. If Adonai YHWH Elohim "God" had wanted men to worship a Baby "Christmas", he would have instructions about this in his TANAKH "Speech" and would not have kept hidden that date.

    Most people overlook another important evidence. In Luke 1: 35-36, we learn that John the Baptist, born to Mary's cousin, Elizabeth, was about six months older YAHUSHUA "Jesus". We read that John's father, Zacharias, was an elderly priest who officiated in the temple; he burned incense on the altar when an angel appeared to him and told him that he and his wife have a son who would prepare the way for the Messiah (verses 8-17). We know approximately when the angel made ​​her announcement, because the Bible says that Zacharias was "of the course of Abia" (verse 5).

    What is the "course of Abia"? Centuries ago, in the time of King David, there was a large number of priests. King David divided them into twenty-four "classes" (or groups) to serve in the temple on a regular cycle (1 Chronicles 24: 1-9). The division of Abijah (or Abia) was the eighth of the twenty-four classes, and usually began its first week of service in late May As Pentecost, the second of three major periods of pilgrimage, fell the week after the eighth class service - and the twenty-four classes were gathered for the service during the three seasons of Day - Zechariah could not go home before, about the first week of June. If John the Baptist was conceived shortly after returning to the house of Zacharias, in mid-June, his birth took place nine months later - in mid-March. YAHUSHUA "Jesus", who was six months younger, would be born in mid-September. This, of course, while the shepherds were still in the fields by night over their flock (Luke 2: 8).

    Consider also the traditional image of the three wise men who, with the shepherds are usually represented standing in the barn, to celebrate the Messiah was born. Nowhere does the Bible say that there were three wise men, but it reveals that the Magi arrived at least a few weeks after his birth - as YAHUSHUA "Jesus" and his parents lived in a house (Matthew 2: 11) . We read that the Magi came from the East. In the 1st century, this usually meant that they were beyond the other side of the Euphrates (the eastern Roman Empire of the time border). To the east of the Euphrates was the Parthian Empire, home to many remnants of the ten tribes of Israel, who had been taken captive by the Assyrians, more than seven centuries ago. The Magi arrived at the king's palace in Jerusalem, a few weeks after the birth of YAHUSHUA "Jesus," to see the Messiah. They had seen a "star" mysterious Orient, who pushed them to undertake their journey in Judah. After hearing about the mages time the star had appeared, and what it portended, Herod ordered the massacre of all the boys in Jerusalem two years old and under (Matthew 2: 16).

    We know from Luke 2: 22 that YAHUSHUA parents "Jesus" presented at the temple when he was forty days (Leviticus 12: 2-4). So they were still in the Jerusalem area, when he was about six weeks. But, the family fled to Egypt after Joseph had been warned in a dream, soon after the visit of the Magi (Matthew 2: 13-14). It is evident that the Magi did not arrive just after the birth of MASHIAH "Christ".


           The origin of Christmas

    Did you know that Christmas celebrations were held in Rome, before that there have been in Jerusalem? How is it possible that a party in mostly associated with Jesus Christ of Nazareth, originated in Babylon and Egypt many centuries before His birth? And, how can such a party be so widely recognized as a Christian?

    To help us understand, consider the meaning of the word "Christmas", translated into French as "Christmas." "Christmas" means "Mass of Christ" or "Mass of Christ." This festival has its origins in the practices of the Roman Catholic Church. Yet even Catholic sources acknowledge that Christmas was not part of the first festivals of the Church, and has no apostolic origin. Notice: "Christmas [Christmas, that is to say the Mass of Christ] in the Christian Church, the feast of the nativity of Jesus Christ [...] at the end of the year 245, Origen, in eighth homily of Leviticus, rejected the idea of sinful observance of the anniversary of the birth of Christ "as if it were a king Pharaoh." The first official mention of the precise 25 December, in Roman history, dates from the year 354 AD. BC, which were published in full for the first time by Mommsen. [... December 25] was a party in honor of Mithra, according to the record mentioned above, but it was also the celebration of natalis solis invicti or the birthday of the unconquered sun "(Encyclopeadia Britannica, Eleventh Edition , article "Christmas". It is we who translate throughout this article).

    The New Testament clearly reveals some important dates; We read, for example, YAHUSHUA HA'MASHIAH "Jesus Christ" died the day of Passover. But the Scriptures do not mention the date of Jesus' birth, and did not say that Christians celebrated. In fact, the Bible associates the celebration of birthdays with the practices of heathen kings, and never refers to such celebrations as positive. Therefore, Origen - one of the first "Fathers" of the Roman Church, who wrote in the 3rd century - was shocked at the idea of celebrating the birth of the Savior.

    When the Catholic Church established a festival in honor of the birth of the Messiah, she arranged to have it coincide with an existing pagan festival which celebrated the birth of the sun god. By co-opting existing rituals and pagan customs, the Church believed rally the Gentiles to his vision of Christianity, allowing converts to continue to practice their ancient customs while renaming them with different names.

    The image of "mother and child" in religion was well known to the ancient pagan world. In ancient times, the Babylonians and Egyptians worshiped a "Madonna" whom they revered as the "Queen of Heaven" - a title that the Roman Church applied, centuries later to Mary, the mother of Jesus. In Egypt, Isis was the mother and Horus was the child. In Mesopotamia it was Ishtar and Tammuz.

    These stories go back to Semiramis and Nimrod in the years after the flood of Noah. Nimrod was a mighty hunter (Genesis 10-11), and led the rebellion against Adonai ELOHIM people YHWH "God" at the Tower of Babel. Nimrod was one of the principal architects of human civilization that began at Babylon, and spread throughout the world when people migrated to repopulate the earth after the flood.

    The true origin of Christmas goes back to ancient times, before being adopted by a "Christian" Church apostate. The winter solstice - the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere - was formerly associated with the birth of the sun god. It was a time of festivities. Called the Saturnalia by the Romans, this festival resembled astonishingly modern Christmas, which offered gifts. Cease hostilities, civil services were suspended and parties were organized. "Ordinarily, friends offer gifts to each other, all the rivalries stopped, there was no execution of criminals, schools were closed, we did not declare war, but does was that cheerfulness ruckus and debauchery "(Lempriere's Classical Dictionary, article:" Saturnalia ").

     Saint-Nicolas and Santa Claus

    Noël est une fête païenne et tout savoir sur son origine.They too are of pagan origin. "Saint Nicolas" is named after a Catholic bishop who lived in the fifth century. Saint Nicolas was bishop of Myra, it was a "Saint" honored by the Greeks and Latins on December 6th. It is said that a legend, that he secretly gave dowries to the three daughters of a citizen became poor, is the origin of the custom of offering gifts in secret, the night of the Saint-Nicolas (the Dec. 6). The invention of "Santa" is inspired by Saint Nicolas, hence the confusion between the dates of their celebration.



     The Christmas tree

    Noël est une fête païenne et tout savoir sur son origine.It would be good on this point, see what the Bible says about Christmas trees.

    "Thus says the Lord YHWH: Do not learn the way of the heathen ... For the customs of the peoples are vanity, cut wood in the forest; the hand of the workman, with the ax; They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not "JEREMIAH 10: 2-4.

    Note that we are told not to follow that path or follow these customs.

     Christmas gifts

    The season of Christmas shopping seems to be the most important part of the Christmas celebration. Many say, "Well, the Bible tells us to give gifts they have not the wise men presented gifts when Christ was born.?"

    ? WHAT IS THE ORIGIN HISTORY CHRISTMAS GIFTS custom compare today with what the Bible says:

    Exchanging gifts between friends is a characteristic of both the Saturnalia and Christmas holiday season (which is transmitted from one to the other). Exchanging gifts during the Christmas period is a Christian thing. This does not celebrate the anniversary of MASHIAH "Christ" nor the honors!

    Suppose you want to honor someone on their birthday. Would you buy gifts for everyone, except for the one you célèbreriez birthday?

    Yet that is what the people year after year (supposedly with religious intentions) year after year. MESSIAH "Christ" is not honored at all, and most people only offer gifts to their friends or their family members. People are too busy to think of YAHUSHUA HA'MASHIAH "Jesus Christ."

    The Bible says YAHUSHUA 'Jesus' being born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, Where is the King of the Jews that is born ... They entered? in the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, they bowed down and worshiped him; Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh "MATTHEW. 2: 1-11

    Seeing that they asked the child YAHUSHUA "Jesus" who was born King of the Jews, and that they offered gifts only YAHUSHUA "Jesus", not their friends or one another. They came to honor their King.

    Also, we should realize that there is no biblical basis justifying the celebration of Christmas. Christmas is a pagan holiday, and commercial. 

    Mothers take their children to see "Santa Claus" heathens in stores; families come together to celebrate a festival that was established centuries BC by a heathen people - WHAT IS THE RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST?

    People are prisoners of the materialism of today's world, deceived by the enemies of our Elohim "god" they worship idols. Much of the collapse of the current world order is that the nations love another Elohim "God", after another MESSIAH "Jesus" and proclaim a "gospel" that we do not find in the Word Adonai YHWH Elohim of "God."

    What difference does it make?

    Noël est une fête païenne et tout savoir sur son origine.

    Almost every year, newspapers and magazines publish articles that point out that Christmas customs are not from the Bible, but from pagan antiquity. Most readers, faced with this reality, just say, "We do not see what difference it makes," and they are continuing their Christmas preparations. Millions of professing Christians say they celebrate the festival in honor of Christ, regardless of the origin of pagan practices behind Christmas.

    Does this make Christmas pleasing to God?

    There are several centuries, Scripture became widely available when the Protestant believers threw off the shackles of medieval Roman Church, which had a monopoly on the Bible. Students eager to discover the Bible decelerate many contradictions by comparing the beliefs of the time with the divine word. One of these issues concerned the Christmas celebration. What conclusion they reached? According to the eleventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica: "In 1644, the English Puritans banned all celebrations or religious services [Christmas] by order of Parliament, the pretext that it was a pagan festival" (article: " Christmas "). When King Charles II restored the monarchy, this ban was lifted, but it was kept in a large number of colonies in North America. It was only in 1840 that Christmas was admitted as a holiday in Massachusetts.

    Ask yourself this simple question. Those who claim to be Christians should they take the Bible seriously? In Jeremiah 10: 2, Adonai YHWH Elohim "God" says to His people, from the pen of the prophet: "Learn not the way of the nations [or Gentiles]. "He continues by stating that" the customs of the peoples are vanity ", ie they are completely empty and useless. Adonai YHWH Elohim" God "wants His people to follow His instructions, and he turns away from pagan practices without seek to emulate them. What kind of customs, vain and pagan, are we talking about in Jeremiah 10? The example specifically mentioned in this chapter concerns the custom of cutting a tree, bring it in the house, to hold it up and decorate it (verses 3-4). That does he not look like strangely a Christmas tree?

    YAHUSHUA "Jesus" said, "In vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men" (Mark 7: 7). Those who wish to celebrate Christmas to worship YAHUSHUA "Christ" are faced with a dilemma: should they follow the example of worship prescribed in Scripture, or should they remain attached to these beloved customs, regardless of their origin and nature? YAHUSHUA "Jesus" rebuked many religious leaders of His day, because they rejected the commandments of Adonai YHWH Elohim "God" for the benefit of their own traditions (verse 9).

    YAHUSHUA "Jesus" could He say those same words to your subject, Based on your actions and choices?

    When the ancient Israelites were about to enter the Promised Land, they were warned not to adopt the religious customs of the surrounding nations (Deuteronomy 12: 30-21). Adonai YHWH Elohim "God" told them to observe all the things that He had taught them, without adding or deleting His instructions (verse 32).

    Therefore, instead of seeking to associate the Messiah "Christ" in Christmas, we should admit that he has never been associated! Christmas has never been a Christian holiday! True Christians must return it to the Gentiles, after all, Christmas is theirs! Instead take them to the world around us, we should learn our customs and religious practices of the Bible. In doing so, we will worship our Creator in spirit and in truth, as We recommend doing this (John 4: 24).


    mondedemain & cai


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